

Unofficial account of Lily from anim.o.v.e! Not associated with Internet Co., Ltd. or anim.o.v.e. Run by @LuciLilium…

フォロー数:704 フォロワー数:3306

Rin eventually finds Merli in a magic forcefield. However, the monster shows up, and Rin frantically tells Merli the identity as the monster gets her. As Merli used up all of her MP to make the forcefield, she has no choice but to run off and find Lily.

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“I’ll get you next time, silly Lily! You’ll never defeat me!” The Gumi Bear proclaimed as she ran out of the restaurant, leaving Lily victorious and having saved the day from being overtaken by silliness.
“My hero!” the Anime Waitress declared, running up to Lily and swooning.

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“You’re being very silly, Gumi. You need to stop.” The Gumi Bear could not stand to hear these words. Lily continued to explain just how silly she was being as the customers watched in horror. With every fact that crossed her path, The Gumi Bear lost her power.

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Not quite, because Lily shrugged off her fears and stood to stare down The Gumi Bear. “No, Gumi, That doesn’t make any sense.” The Gumi Bear stepped back, alarmed by Lily’s very non-silly reaction to her silly comments. She wasn’t used to people retaliating with facts and logic.

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The Gumi Bear turned to Lily, not even slightly changing her expression as she stared at her adversary with the blankest face imaginable. Suddenly, her mouth opened, and the words escaped from it: “Skopje.”

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As Lily finished her Anime Burger with extra Anime Honey, trouble started brewing in the Anime Restaurant. The double doors swung open and in came Lily’s most feared adversary: The Gumi Bear. The silliest scoundrel around.

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“Sounds good,” the Anime Waitress said, overcome by Lily’s coolness. “By the way, do you wanna go out sometime? You’re really awesome!”
This was the 17th girl to ask Lily out that week, but because Lily was such a legend, she made time for everyone. “Yeah, sure, let’s do it.”

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“Hello and welcome to the Anime Restaurant,” the Anime Waitress said to Lily. “How may I help you today?”
Lily thought it over. “I should like an Anime Burger completely lathered in honey with a side of Anime Honey and Honey Beverage. That will be all, my dear Anime Waitress.”

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This is The Gumi Bear, and she spells danger. Nobody in all of Vocaloid oozes as much silliness as she does, rubbing off her frightening nature on everyone she meets. Anyone who meets her could simply drop dead at the sight of her silliness. Lily’s worst nightmare.

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This is Lily from anim.o.v.e, the coolest, awesomest, and unsilliest vocaloid around! She’s so awesome that her awesomeness rubs off on anyone she meets. Everyone in the world of Vocaloid loves her.

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