

Family | FGC | Sneakers | Music | Art

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If Samurai Shodown is at every major next year, I’ll be there and for the Money Matches!

5 30

The haoh you made me 🥹

5 49

Hey all you Baiken Fans, Mains and Simps. Baiken is extremely good in Samsho. You will all love her in this game, so give her a try!

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Thank you for the art!! I love it!

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I am going to stream tonight talking about Haohmaru MUs, strategy and etc in full detail. Come hang out in VC! 7pm CT

4 16

I am happy to be part of this alongside my TOTSUZENSHI Tourney series to bring some good ass samsho action!

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Makai Mondays was so good this week for Vsav! Always a pleasure to watch godly Anakaris

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I am happy to announce that TOTSUZENSHI will be supported by !! LET’S GOOOOO!

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Just got my new custom Haohmaru emote made by ! Please follow this man and hit him up for quality work!

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RIP my friend , he was funny and a sweet dude. We would talk a lot about Samsho, memes and other stuff. Definitely a big part of the samsho community, I will miss you man. We will never meet now, hopefully one day, rest well. Still one of the best Rimus I have played

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