

sometimes post draw and hype bl 🔞 💫
link webtoon

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Dear attention for my mutuals🤗🙏
if you feels uncomfortable with homopohobic and mature content that i tweet. Please mute or block me itsokay 👀

Thank you hehe

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How to get sexc lover?
Must be sexc one 🍑🌚

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Monanggg but itsokayy 😌👍

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Ga bosen2 yah aku rekomen ini 😘

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Rich sugar daddy 😎

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Perah ga sie lu diiriin sama bapack sendiri karna mama yg notabene istrinya lebih perhatian sama anak 😬..
Kaya gua ditanyain mau makan apa lauk apa kan gua hanya ditanyaa saja sama mamak sendiri

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Duh ak sudah buat fanart third ending untuk meriahkan rilis s2 👀, yok cepatan rilisnyaa author nim :3

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Gemoynya ical pas kecil sama aaa visual kembar yang 😘🤏

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Brings up chibi bc i miss them so muchhhh 🤏🤧

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