

funky lil guy making funky lil drawings ☆

(@conman1161 💕💕💕)

フォロー数:167 フォロワー数:159

Me: haha I have nothing to post :)
The mountain of character work that I haven't shared but have saved in the art folder I haven't touched in weeks:

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Dropping this here too because I like the crop

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I've been forgetting to post art so fuck u ur not paying me
(yes I'm tagging a shitpost because I haven't posted in so long I'm desperate. Anyways you're not paying me for that damn cat, kiri)

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Reposting my old art vs artist thing except with a self portrait in the center instead of my actual face so I don't curse the internet with my existence again ✨

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old but I still dig it

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Overlayless version which feels really bright after staring at the dark version for so long

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I do not control the hyperfixation the hyperfixation controls me

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last fanart looked absolutely awful so ive attempted to redeem myself with a quick doodle of im sorry i didnt do the shirt pattern i wasnt in the mood

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