

Aspiring anime artist. pfp: Dungeon Meshi ep2.

フォロー数:140 フォロワー数:962

Special Move - R A G I N G D O O G

44 209

Ina gets to feed a coconut doggy!

69 361

I'll turn them all into shitposts if i could

0 1

Muscle study with my OC

Back muscle is deceptively hard to draw.

6 23

2023 - The year of the rabbit!

10 74

I participated in a Secret Santa event and drew Pekora(and Nanachi)

Thank you very much for the event! (i really like the one draw for me)

16 83

My personal favourite artworks of 2022

1 2

Here's the character sheet of my long time Original Character, Yumeto.

I'll draw her more frequently if times allows.

0 6

a quick coloured doodle

0 10