

Business owner

フォロー数:3383 フォロワー数:1828

Took the plunge! I’m vibing with some Sigga sweet Kongs now! so stoked!

20 108

is an amazing community, so much is being built. On top of that woke up to 387 C3 dropped into my wallet just for holding! Jump on board the junkie train if you haven’t yet! Let’s go junkies!

14 52

You guys have no idea! over here on is JUST GETTING STARTED! Steady sustained REAL growth! Swing on by, you WONT regret it!

7 20

My first experience with Cardano NFTs is so much momentum so much happening, still time to along for the ride we about the blast off! Volume is on FIRE! Community? Utility? We got Both!

10 19

On to battle! Be afraid be very afraid

19 57