

Storyboard Artist & Illustrator, no longer active on Twitter (unlikely to see mentions & DMs)!
Find me on other platforms! (link below)

フォロー数:51 フォロワー数:1287

Goron spice makes great curry! 🔥👌

(repost cause I somehow deleted the original tweet argh 😔)

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Finished off some card art for 's new card game! It's a drinking game and it's Knights of the Round Table themed~ Love how these turned out! Really enjoyed getting back to actual painting again, and I super want to do more boardgame art in future. 💖💖

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Just drawing cute messages I gotta remember sometimes 💖

Dedicated to anyone else with fomo this year~ 😅

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myself and my favourite pancake-smelling raichu bby~

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PSA: relax your shoulders sometimes, it feels nice! 💜 art friends especially!

(my posture has been bad lately but I’m working on it~)

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I'm so glad I saved art from there before the site went down hahah~

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Hey hey

I'm a storyboard artist who works on children's TV shows (7 shows so far!), I also do illustration and backgrounds for games/animation!


6 21

NEW ART. I made this a few months ago and forgot to ever post it!

Done a piece for an OC zine, this is based on my 6yr-backburnered queer urban fantasy comic which I'm currently a chapter into drawing (actually gonna finish it this time!!)~

3 14

Space to heal, space to hope 🌱

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