

( nct ) ( tgcf ) ( jjk ) ( bsd ) ☆ do not repost .ᐟ.ᐟ cat 𖠋 she / they┊21┊sporadic artist┊드림 영원하장 ♡

フォロー数:564 フォロワー数:2409


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just realized that’s a doG AND NOT A CAT FUCKIGNGN well there’s this too

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naomi had actually flown to the dessert case to sprinkle fairy dust over the cakes to make them sweeter (that’s their job) and tanizaki was too busy yelling at tachihara for nearly eating him to notice. so when he finally noticed her disappearance he thought tachihara ate her

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rgkg / tanihara au where tachihara almost swallowed sweets fairy!tanizaki and said fairy wont leave the fruit tart parfait until he “gives back naomi”

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imagine the power bsd would have if all of the gingers had a showdown

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best friends switch clothes and read books together🥰✨

(ft. hisoka and chuuya dying in the bg)

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yeah ik tanizaki’s sweet is a tart but consider: tachihara ordering a sweet and he gets a tiny little fairy!tanizaki who wants to kill him bc tachihara accidentally swallowed fairy!naomi (tachihara has a habit where he doesn’t chew smaller bites so he didn’t kill her thank god)

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