

Artist on the rise! Let's share our art to everyone ^-^)7

フォロー数:759 フォロワー数:640

(Se me había olvidado subirlo😂)
Overlord of Lust
for "😳"
A fusion between genderbent Laharl/"Laharl-chan" from Disgaea D2 and Lilithmon from Digimon

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Art Train! 🚂
Show your art ✨

Your turn:
"Y cualquier otra persona que lo vea lo puede hacer :))" o: https://t.co/ckvFMMBoo0

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Es que vi este anime recientemente xd y es lo primero que se me ocurre 😛

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✨Digitag ✨
Cita tu Digimon, juego, anime y manga favorito y menciona a 3 personas
Digimon: Tyrant Kabuterimon
Juego: Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory
Anime: Digimon Frontier
Manga: Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01


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for A fusion of the characters that Michelle Ruff's has given her voice. Fairymon/Kazemon, Yoko Littner, Etna, Rukia Kuchiki, and Shutumon/Zephrymon.

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for Ordinemon Chaos Mode is a fusion of Silphymon Maste Mode(Oc), DarkKnightmon, and Raguelmon

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Waa 😔 hoy 22/06/2021 murió mi kazuchimon...

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Armagudomon Orochi Mode for amen95 , a fusion of Armagudomon and Orochimon.

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No se si usar la paleta de mi actual avatar pero con pequeños cambios o directamente usar nuevos colores 😬

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for Oc Digivolution chain
Child: Renamon
Champion: HuliJingmon by
Ultimate: DakkiKyuubimon by Ozzy (Pixiv)
Mega: ShinraBanshoumon by me
Burst Mode: ShinraBanshoumon BlackRose Mode by

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