

フォロー数:1396 フォロワー数:2165

nightly conversation made me realize i didn't own any art from yet, fixed that. 🙃

1 20

LMAO easily the coolest airdrop I've ever got so far. Thanks 🤣🫡🐔

1 3

I'm addicted. I need more liquidity to get more . I can't stop playing with the editor. I can't decide which one to make my first render. So many possibilities with 1

11 106

today was the day I falled in love by accident.😳

7 77

What's your favorite ? I start with mine. and by (still minting) These are not in any specific order, all equally loved by me! HAPPY FRIDAY!

3 9

Super talented young artist ! Absolutely love these.

2 10

Elven started it's minting yesterday and is still going at , 2nd collection of talented 13yo girl artist Also quickly growing bunch of amazing people on discord already.

2 5

Elven! Amazing unique art style by talented 13 year old young artist Minting started yesterday and is still going at . Also quickly growing bunch of amazing people on discord already.

1 6

Looking for project to mint? Look no more, launched minting yesterday and are still going. Amazing project by talented young artist Unique art and discordful of amazing people. Come join us!

4 7