


フォロー数:2142 フォロワー数:4482

You're sitting around everyday, bombarded by AI-driven stuff. AI is used in marketing all the time now and we basically became consumers of that. We're used to it so it's quickly become "soulless" and we sorta let this happen because we rely on it to sell ourselves stuff. 3/n

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Me messing with algorithms and trying to make weird, glitchy posters. (Thinking of putting this in my zine.)

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The Casual Tiny 24h Auction 1/1: Staring 0.22


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I haven't done stills in a while. Planning to mint 2 of the series. Going 2tz for 10 editions on versum?

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These aren't particularly nice but I guess they're interesting to me. They have this weave-like quality, almost feels like cloth but with really crazy candy colors.

Not sure if I'd ever mint these on their own but certainly will be in the planned, "Pointless Magazine".

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I have to sometimes think loosely about design and let things happen. I'm not trying to sway the visuals to look incredible, I'm just letting the algorithm guide me instead. Pointless magazine wouldn't be a thing without this philosophy.

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Just a variant of the previous mess I've made.

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I sometimes think AI is really gonna just… do my job. Lol

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5 Editions each. 5tezos? 4tezos? :) Will decide tonight! Swap happening on the usual https://t.co/iilSKnRLWf (and of course all of the family)

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RGBLand Re-animated.

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