

💌방찬, 리노, 창빈, 현진, 한, 필릭스, 승민 & 아이엔💌

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:156066

🐶- 🌱
[310323] 10:31 AM KST
[300323] 6:31 PM PDT

I registered for roaming and even turned it on with data, but it's the same


Why is it like this to me???

52 1034

🐰- 🌱 
[120323] 10:08 PM KST
[120323] 9:08 PM PHT



54 1099

🥟 - 💫
[150123] 12:49 PM KST

277 1447

🐶 - 🌱
[111022] 7:36 PM KST

Daengkas’ eldest hyung is cool


(Said cutely)

22 514

🐿 - 💫
[140922] 12:07 AM KST

i love you


a whole lot

103 813

SM 💭 - 🌱
[270422] 5:30-5:32 PM KST

No but if my face is in a good condition on days we film

SKZ-jigi says “the kimchi stew blood level is at zero today”

They tell me that

Sttays call me like that


8 380

FL 💭 - 🌱
[250322] 12:28 AM KST

The world


Goes fast

Haaaaaaaaa ~


11 407

CB💭 -💫
[090921] 9:09 PM KST

1st place for 2 consecutive weeks...it's like a dream since yesterdayㅋㅋㅋ

i'm really thankful to btob hyungs for congratulating us a lot too ㅎㅎ

our y/n love you and thank you (*he wrote it really cutely esp that love you part)


37 321

CB 💭 - 🌱
[030921] 7:22 PM KST

I really wanted to get it (first place)


Our y/n who helps me achieve all the things that I’ve wanted to do is the greatest

Angels, our Stays are just angels!!

101 570

CB 💭 - 💫
[160821] 00:27 AM KST

i like you a lot~


53 416