

Formerly: Daisy7. RN, Hobbyist Illustrator and Art supply Enthusiast. Owns a corgi. Milspouse diary of my life while my husband is deployed.
[email protected]

フォロー数:882 フォロワー数:2409

Digital art tweet but these days I’m mostly using traditional media

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For christmas I painted a picture for my ma. She makes startrek quilts which is a rather unique hobby

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When you work in a surgical area but want to be festive.

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Heres my little for this year since I think people have recieved theres.

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Speed drawing this evening to fill in a spot.

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Hi Im Daus and I do fluffy animals and primarily use watercolors or markers.

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Oh lawd guys, I said I wouldn't but I bought a new thing. Itll be here in a month. Have this quicky illustration instead. I have no love for anything nonorganic.

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Its been productive so far

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