

Cute and horrific art is my game.

Also video games. I like those.

フォロー数:17 フォロワー数:55
# art

24 Hours Sleeping - 9 of 24 - Mutation
of Dreams and Nightmares

You keep a distance from the changed animals.
Their heads are missing,
along with evidence they ever had them.
Instead, they bear the faces of a long dead species, which eye you coldly.

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24 Hours Sleeping - 8 of 24 - Arms
of Dreams and Nightmares

The thing leaps with its eight powerful arms
from ruined building to ruined building,
and no matter how far you run, no matter where you turn,
there's that upside-down, taunting visage.

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24 Hours Sleeping - 7 of 24 - Bodies
of Dreams and Nightmares

Arms, legs and heads stick haphazardly out of the horrible thing;
more and more of the creatures crawl out of the ground,
joining into a single entity. It gestures to come closer.
You decide not to.

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24 Hours Sleeping - 6 of 24 - Cowboy
of Dreams and Nightmares

He's not like the others you have seen around;
cannibals and frothing madmen;
and he shows you why.
He keeps his brain in a jar, untainted by the disease ailing his body.

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24 Hours Sleeping - 5 of 24 - Ships
Art of Dreams and Nightmares

The man-sized lizard shields his eyes from the sun
and stares out of the crow’s nest,
watching the rest of the fleet
cut through the ocean of hot sand as if a knife through butter.

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Fish - 24 Hours Sleeping - 4 of 24
Art of dreams and nightmares.

You struggle to get out of the deep quickly.
You’re momentarily distracted
as a strangely floating mass of scrap metal comes into view.
Your struggle redoubles when it turns and reveals its teeth.

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Shark - 24 Hours Sleeping - 3 of 24
Art of Dreams and Nightmares

The shark, ironically dressed as a scuba diver,
reveals its pointed teeth in a smile and asks if you require assistance,
proving not only safe, but friendly.
Your initial fearful reaction embarrasses you.

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Clown - 24 Hours Sleeping - 2 of 24
Art of Dreams and Nightmares.

The fidgety, depressed clown finally agrees to open the briefcase,
which he is so protective of.
You look in; you’re shocked, confused, amazed;
but as soon as it closes, you forget what lies inside.

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Meat - 24 Hours Spent Sleeping Series, Number 1 of 24.
Art of Dreams and Nightmares.

The skinless thing has found you again.
The hunger is apparent in his eyes,
and he’s gnashing his unconcealed teeth.
Hooks are waiting in all potential directions of escape.

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