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This stunningly coloured #killifish is found in #Zanzibar’s seasonal rain fed pools. @WCSTanzania #inspiredbyWCS
Beautiful tree #frog, endemic to #Tanzania - sadly threatened by habitat loss & international pet trade @WCSTanzania
WCS #Tanzania is working to protect #Amphibians - the most endangered group of animals on the planet #LeapDay
Juno's mountain blue #butterfly - a rare species found on #Kitulo Plateau in Southern #Tanzania. #ProtectedbyWCS.
Only found on #Zanzibar and Mafia Island, subspecies of the Black-and-rufous #Elephant-shrew #inspiredbyWCS
Olive #baboon in celebration of #yearofthemonkey. #protectedbyWCS @WCSTanzania
I am often asked "What #wildlife is there in #Zanzibar?" Here is a puddle #frog for starters. #inspiredbyWCSTanzania
Uporoto three-horned #chameleon, endemic to Tanzania's Southern Highlands. Protected by @WCSTanzania #inspiredbyWCS
The Creator would appear as endowed with a passion for stars, on one hand, and for beetles on the other. JBSHaldane
Within @WCSTanzania's 5 landscape programmes we prioritise 9 species for conservation. 8 are threatened @IUCNRedList