

Whitney Cogar // Comic Colorist
Mad she never got to fly Concorde.

フォロー数:812 フォロワー数:516

The greatest psychic of the 21st century! Preorders up now.

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Can you feel the cosmos?
King of All Cosmos dakis are up for preorder:

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You know you want to get in this robot...
Eva Unit 01 dakimakura preorders are up!
Should arrive in late February/early March.
Happy Valentine's Day! 😘

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Prince Sidon dakimakura is live for preorders! Ships in late February to early March.

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Wasn't able to finish this week but here is a quick update on the Sidon daki!

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Akira Fudo dakimakura work in progress. Follow for more updates!

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Just finished this Sharon Apple print and ordered all the prints for my next two cons! I'm excited to do prints again. Don't worry, I have more dakimakura on the way, too!

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