

Muziek ,Theater, Literatuur, (Wereld)Politiek, Filosofie, Nieuws en DAT GRAAG STOICIJNS ALS HET LUKT.

フォロー数:1057 フォロワー数:1547

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

btd 1996 d 1770

'The empire of Flora'
'Juno and Luna'

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'Never, it seems to me, was man so molten and fluid,
and yet never was he so shut up within himself, never so walled about as he is today, and never was he so cold of heart.'

Vyacheslav Ivanov

1866 Moscow - 1949 Rome

🎨Konstantin Somov, 1896

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🎨Carel Fabritius'

'The Beheading of St John'
'Mercurius and Aglauros'

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'The Nightmare'
'The Silence'

🎨Henry Fusely

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Piero di Cosimo

btd 1462 d 1522


'Finding of Vulcan on Lesbos'

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Tommaso di Ser Giovanni Casai

btd 1401 d 1428

'Madonna and Child with Saint Anna'

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🎨David Teniers the Younger


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'So shall the world go on,
To good malignant,
to bad men benign,
Under her own weight groaning'

'Paradise Lost'

John Milton

btd 1608 d 1674

©National Portrait Gallery
🎨William Blake

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A land where storms may come and go,
Where thought is passionate and pure,-
And where a chosen few can see
How spring and beauty bloom.

Afanasy Fet

btd 1820 d 1892


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Wer jetzt kein Haus hat, baut sich keines mehr.
Wer jetzt allein ist, wird es lange bleiben,
wird wachen, lesen, lange Briefe schreiben
und wird in den Alleen hin und her
unruhig wandern, wenn die Blätter treiben.

Rainer Maria Rilke
btd 1875 d 1926

🎨©Leonid Pasternak

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