

フォロー数:71 フォロワー数:863

My text-free artwork for the upcoming Master set!
Blew the leather budget on this one.

52 387

👁️ Here's my artwork for Doctor Who: Out of Time 3 . Big thanks to for supplying the TARDIS model on this one! 👁️

104 795

I've loved doing this series! Here's the final set of clean artwork for Dalek Universe .

108 723

Clean interior artwork for Dalek Universe 2. Thanks again to for his fantastic Trojan Dalek CG!

72 438

Here's my clean interior artwork for Dalek Universe 1, with Mechonoids modelled by . Not long to wait now!

76 533

Here's my artwork for the final Dalek Universe set, with more marvellous Daleks and saucers modelled by .

130 868

Here's my artwork for Dalek Universe 2 . Show some love for his beautifully dilapidated Dalek models. He's too good.

65 683

Excitement levels RISING. My artwork for the upcoming Tennant/Baker-fest from ! With huge thanks to for his amazing classic Dalek renders.

87 706

Some lockdown art! My clean cover for Shadow of the Sun from . 🌞

15 162

Clean artwork for Benny’s anniversary sets! Loads of fun making these.

8 45