

its pun

フォロー数:241 フォロワー数:466

Runnin' down the avenue
See how the sun shines brightly in the city
On the streets where once was pity
Mr. Blue Sky is living here today, hey hey

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an entire group of people who will never play league of legends but love animation and have been starved for good adult animation are this image right now

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shes quickly become a fave, so ive given her fluff

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the dream eaters werent really all that popular, but theyre honestly one of the most interesting aspests of that series. xehanort is boring as shit, who cares, i just want a gummy colored trex buddy

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its a tie between edalyn clawthorne (on the left) and gideon nav (on the right)

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android named yvette! i cant figure out which color scheme is better, so im just putting these out there

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