

she/her/any neos | 18 |loves: evil,monsters,blood| hates: pink candy flavored mac and cheese | READ MY WEBCOMIC: NOW!!!!!!!!!

フォロー数:100 フォロワー数:134

i was bored so i made my own shiny . nintendo hire this man !!!

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a refresher of what phantom and galaxie look like (phantoms on that plate yummy)

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anyways obviously that argument is dumb because you are a human drawing on a tablet or with a mouse. the ctrl z button does not rid your art of actual mistakes. any technique i can think of digitally can be replicated in traditional .

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drew this earlier but didnt feel like posting 2 explain that i wanted 2 experiment with cleaner lines

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i donmt trust my thoughts rn cause its 4a m but GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I HAVE GOTTEN SOO MUCH LAZIER. i used 2 draw like dis

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