

My favourite Eeveelution is Flareon

フォロー数:204 フォロワー数:79

I made these
Don't know if anyone else already made them
Very likely but eh

Which one is your favourite?
(Head and neck pieces separated)

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My favourite Pokemon is Kantonian Vulpix!
Here are some of my stuff!
Eevee redesign, Munchlax Glaceon fusion, Shuckle Polteageist fusion, Leafeon Card!

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I made an Eevee redesign with elements of its evolutions hidden in it without being brutally obvious

Repost because there was a mistake in the original post

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Eevee's iconic tipped tail might not have been intended at all!
The gen 1 sprites and artwork have a unique way of shading how light bounces off the Pokemon, and Eevee looked like it had a tipped tail.
This detail wasn't confirmed or finalized until Eevee debuted in the anime.

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Happy Vulpix Day
Here have some orange cake bread

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What if Ghost Ability was brought back for a new game?

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Riolu is not the only Pokemon capable of helicopter shenanigans

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RK looking to get some Meganium Sweet scent
And a Scatter Bang cookie scaring Pecha

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Some more Pokemon based Treats I drew
Chikorita Matcha Cookies
Join Avenue Gingerbread house thing

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