

フォロー数:81 フォロワー数:230

tsa has made me like bad girl and now I feel bad for her cause there's been like, a beer revolution since nmh1 and she has a lot of catching up to do

28 60

I couldn't stay up watching rpg limit break play through shadow hearts covenant but it made me really want to draw blanca, a very good fighting dogwolf (ps2 has so many good dogs; blanca, koromaru, amaterasu, hewie, brown, puma)

1 9

I drew this with special attention to that bolo

0 0

mgs3 right now is sacrilege I know

anyway I recommend watching playstation access's metal gear stupid, right now they're doing 3 and have already done 1 and if you want to feel severe (the) pain watching people play badly it's really fun. they're doing way better this time!

5 13

me: I should try to draw faster again, here's my time limit
me: opening new tabs of distraction almost immediately

so yeah ugly rushed cecil here we go

2 7

I was going to make a joke about how if I start drawing characters as guinea pigs it's the end but it just made me think about osato as a particularly stupid crazy hair pig and being like, aw

6 19

I'm kinda bored of what I ususally draw in so I went to the fountain of anti-art block, tegs for a quicky I am very sleepy

10 31

to all the people who got their dls in before this stupid maintenance I see you and go to hell

5 16