

フォロー数:81 フォロワー数:230

in a lot of otome games I love that the mc will just have female friends because female friendship is not portrayed enough, but then there's characters like sakuragawa who says that she'd like the mc for a wife and it's like HWY CAN'T YOU DATE HER COME ON I KNOW IT'S OTOME BUT

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OCtober: if you think I'm above having a character who's an interdimensional ho and also a detective you're very wrong

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little bit of late night "gotta draw NOW" feat. osato and me realizing that I like a lot of characters with this kind of stupid short but curly hair

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OCtober 2 my gargoyle guy ("world's oldest crybaby" via which sums him up a lot) and his pigeon (boy)friend

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I want to do stuff for october too but there's so many different ones I'm going to do "whatever the hell I feel like-tober" so today it's OCtober, feat. sad werewolf (I shouldn't do all OCtober because it'll be too obvious all my ocs are just hunks)

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I think these two are the canon collar x malice pair cause they both have haircuts that indicate their hair was like, waist length, then they're like "just cut off MOST of it" leading to weird hair tentacles that are bad

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today gave me the pleasure (no pain) of thinking about a cenobite dolphin, which is a pretty good start to the spooktacular season

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haven't drawn since last week so back to usual "uh oh, how do??"... so I drew this ugly edge. I really like his brown hair design and decided I like it best if he just went grey really prematurely instead of just being a cool white haired dude (that's cecil's job)

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I've thought about post-game raidou a decent amount (for shipping reasons obviously), but I've always thought it'd be maybe kinda cool if he had a different colored uniform or something......... but I drew it and maybe not, maybe it's just how I draw though lmao

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