

フォロー数:81 フォロワー数:230

honestly they should've found a way to fit meiling into the manga, she is annoying at first but totally contrasts with like, every other character, even later on when she starts to get along with sakura (which is also super cute) and I really like her

0 4

not really in the mood to draw anything in particular kind of times so I drew an smt cow, STONKA which is just a good cow name really

3 19

I feel so weird tagging anyone always but 's jollibeedrill realization today was so great

7 50

I finished watching cardcaptor... sakura I just want to call it cardcaptors but I guess that's technically wrong, at any rate I had fun and am somehow not tired of anime yet. this is my manifestation of quarantine madness!

10 13

this was something everyone talked about but I don't know I ever saw anyone else do it lmao so here is a contribution to badman in a dumb shirt instead of travis

51 130

played some wild guns recently and I'm really bad at it lol but I needed to draw bullet cause 1. it's so fun seeing a non-big/wolfish dog in a game and he's so cute 2. a dog with a robot would use it primarily for scritches

1 4

I didn't look that long but is there really not a kh caim out there? that's basically the only reason I want to post this outside where it was brought up lmao

3 13

someone on tegaki asked for a freddy to go with jason

4 17

(big) jason for , thank you for donating!

13 34

sammy the south 🥺 's tiddies for

7 16