

#Retroverse design. Father*2. Power Ranger rookie. #DnD stories. Bee Stuff. Buff Nerd. He/him. BE THE HERO.

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So... Kickstarter tomorrow huh?

If you have the time, please share our game around today. Tell people big and small. Sound off about it. We live and die by your positive words. Thank you. ❤️

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We’ve got a Kickstarter coming for our game on February 12th. It includes new classes, playable species, spells, magic items, monsters, God’s, mechanics, and more! If we hit some stretch goals, we will make more of these dice. Hope to see you there!

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Tonight is an all-niter for work. KS is able to go live anytime (though I'll still be editing the heck out of it and PDF is well past page 300.

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Your legendary magic item is the name of your pet, the color of your underwear, and the last item you had in your left hand (excluding your phone.)

What does it do?

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I think we can have a little fun in this world. Hope thinks so too. ❤️

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I have reduced all the rules down to one page. Please enjoy our free rule set.

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This is my next character.

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Trap Card
Very Rare
If a creature casts a spell at you, you can use your reaction to capture the spell with the card. As an action, you can activate the spell as if you had cast it. Doing this destroys the card. You may only trap one spell in a card.

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Concerning Synthful Seductions! We will eventually make it but it will not be included in the KS in any capacity. As it stands it’s just a fun add on that explores relationships, courtship, and intimacy of different monsters/races in our universe. Consider it like a hard PG-13.

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I don't share enough dumb lore I think. Here's some more.

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