

Hi, I’m Snowbalet | certified silly billy | pfp: me | banner: me | alt: @piglantis_pig

フォロー数:180 フォロワー数:116

please make this real. its a cloud mario lego set basically, you can jump then shake mario in the air and he will get coins and can walk on air you can do this 3 times. if you run out of clousa you can get the cloud flower and it will reset.

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please make this a real set.
basically when you put it on you get 3 clouds and you shake mario in the air to use them. If you run out of clouds, just go to the cloud flower and then you will have 3 more clouds.

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my persona that looks nothing like me irl?

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Here's my noodle artwork!
Eddisode: "Tord's Adventure"

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Lookin like distorted memory

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