

sculptor of gods, monsters, and mortals of many sorts - in miniature, life-size, and larger; content ©J. Brumby unless noted otherwise; commissions open! he/him

フォロー数:2771 フォロワー数:2303

...those same familiars, and a friend, off on a flight for gits and shiggles, or something like that:

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- oh, *so* many ideas for these. As well as the first three, wanna do some different weapons of several sorts, do the figures as standalone statues (which will also allow for some more dynamic poses too - integrating 'em into the pillars and keeping 'em castable can be a bit >

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< re-visit to an old friend - a bit of an ambitious project for a first proper go, and over the top on detail more than likely, but I'm finding out *how* much I can do with what I've taken on board in brain, as it were - so; meet Mett-Aa, again:

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always seem to turn up another scribble or two when I do me diggings, too - theezuns slightly less venerable than the last pair o' pics, though - have 'ee a murderous monkey, and... a mink, I think:

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<before/after which, proba/possibly the biggest inspiration in the 'look' of this current batch comes from Disney's 'Robin Hood' and the many characters therein; but also: Beatrix Potter, A. A. Milne/E. H. Shepard, Kenneth Grahame/Shepard again + Arthur Rackham, Richard Adams...>

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some of these came more or less fully-formed from the sketches, while others were a bit of a bodge-of-bits from different doodles...

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...more correctly I suppose I drew 'cos I liked it, I kinda look at it as a chore nowadays, so it only happens here and there in a year, hohum. Anyway, saws of sorts were popular in them days:

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- the first few attempts were the finding-my-style part of it all, so they haven't quite got the 'finesse' (such as it might just about be called) of the later stuff; here's the scribbles/finals for an Enforcer 'droid, and an early stab at my character in the game, 'Harry 5'

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...then lastly, laying on some microstrip for kerb-edges to the various verges:

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