Unbiased Snyder Fanさんのプロフィール画像

Unbiased Snyder Fanさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:2129 フォロワー数:13085

Scanline Concept artist Lei Jin shares some of his work on Zack Snyder's Justice League.

Link: https://t.co/gBNam9DVuy

121 755

Flash has blue lightning in ZSJL present day and future.

Flush confirmed not canon to ZSJL.

69 429

Hoyeon Jung, Squid Game star, reveals in a recent interview to Vogue Korea that lately she’s been obsessed with burning every copy of Joss Whedon's Justice League she can get her hands on

"We live in a society where honor is a distant memory", she said.

91 550

"An effort to duplicate that [What Marvel is doing] is insanity because they’re so good at it. What DC had was mythology at an epic level, and we were going to take them on this amazing journey. Frankly, I was the only one saying that"

80 387

The League at the start of the sequel (Minus black suit for Superman)

Art by Rudyao: https://t.co/XYWPGG08ic

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