

Trying to figure out Twitter.
All the ships (TLoZ and SidLink at the moment)
She/Her |28|
NSFW sometimes, if you are underage, pls dont follow me.

フォロー数:325 フォロワー数:214

No happy thoughts, just angst bf thoughts

Part 1.

88 605

Yep, lately i had have barely a moment to draw, but obviously if i draw, i draw one of mi Zora good boys ✨✨
Is it wrong that i just want to see Bazz all flustered or angy? Just give me all the Bazz 😭😭

21 78

Mipha? MIPHA ✨✨✨✨✨💖💖💖💖
I want her to marry me, is that too much to ask 🥺?

1 9



Part of my AU.
Sidon and Link get married for political reasons. Part of it is to protect Sidon from an increased number of assasinations attemps. So Link thinks that a nice portrait of the newlyweds could intimidate some suspects 🤭. Sidon is not happy.

20 200

Winter in the domain ✨💖

Cozy outfits and each other colors matching scarfs 💖

Zoras don't wear too much clothes, relying mainly in the properties of gems, but if Link want him to wear a scarf, who is he to complain ✨✨

17 123

Bitey sharkie boyfriend ✨💖💖
Purah was pretty amused the rest of the day 🤭

5 61

My (inexistent) AU adult Link, with long hair and beefy arms 💖✨... And very VERY subtle sidlink 🤭
This good boy is gonna be the death to me 😩👌🏻

1 16

I just read the kinktober fic of borderyoukai (on AO3)
and HAD to make a draw (she is amazing btw).
What do you mean i should be doing Linktober 🙄?

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I had missed my good greedy boy Ravio 🤭BOTW!Ravio. Obviously Ravio would leave Link fighting alone, he just doesnt has it in him 🤷‍♀️

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