

let the birdies eat the s’mores let the birdies eat the s’mores let the birdies eat the S’MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE

フォロー数:1478 フォロワー数:3929

how i'm trying to be this summer

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little forest fellow IS SO CUTE i saw his animated vid last year n every time i remember he exists i go :>

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korilakkuma!! i finally got my first plushie of them this year n i couldn't be happier <33

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absolute icon. Draculaura has always been my fave i wanna get her doll so bad >:((

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coming out as a misa apologist cus i support women's rights n wrongs

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mrs. toys r us aka Annie Lester

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me when me when i eat ur pudding

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good morning!! donut forget to take breaks from scrolling to get a snack n drink water!!! 🌸♡🍩

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good morning!!! i hope all of u have a great week 🎀♡🌼

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