

soren or griff ⋆ 28 ⋆ she/he/they ⋆ like yes im a lesbian but im also a white midwestern dad ⋆ rp / gpose / casual modding ⋆ ❤️@easuchi

フォロー数:489 フォロワー数:1298

caster lb colors are delightful

3 13

shoutout to whoever undercut by 500k for form and function on balmung. i appreciate what youve done for noelle

0 21

whistle all you want
but i'm not gonna stay

1 14

i will move, give you rhythm
speak in tongues, 'till you listen

2 8

ah, and who's this

0 14

me yesterday: man i love this one arr robe i wish there was a colorscheme that dyed well or worked for noelle :(((
me today running tam fucking tara: OH

1 14

adding to my "stolen nonmelee limit breaks" collection

0 3

noelle at the doors of the tribunal rn

0 1