

democratically elected president of sokka nation | a filthy reylo+zutara | refugee on tumblr @baobeisokka…

フォロー数:712 フォロワー数:1197

it's zutara week everyone shut up and look at them

102 451

they are next to each other. that is all i wanted to say thank you for listening

1 26

rip prince philip :(

7 76

easily reversible

12 82

sokka has abandonment issues after his dad left him and his mom and yue died and that is why he loves his boomerang and suki so much because they somehow always come back no matter how many times he loses them he's MY comfort character and i can project whatever I WANT

10 59

wait WAIT zuko and sokka both lost their moms when they were kids....and then lost their dads when they were 13....and were suddenly burdened by a responsibility they weren't ready for.....finding the avatar and leading the swt......the parallels.....that's on soulmateism

31 240

lrt reminded me everyone should read the kanan comic too its extremely good the art is extremely good the story is extremely good and the ending makes me cry

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