

Ace II He II Worldbuilder/Writer II Commissioner/Hobbyist II 18+ II Love big tails and coily things a lot.

フォロー数:534 フォロワー数:2214

Thing from a while ago that I never bothered posting. His name is Tibi Ravenhardt and he's been in a few pics. Decided to get something lore accurate instead of him being the victim to coils. Will post kink stuff soonish so yea.

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Tibi: Let me go already...
Ashari Ignoring him: *Tightens her hold ever so slightly*

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Azures true form more or less. He might take the form of big cuddly snakes or an anthro with a massive tail to sqz ppl but that doesn't change what he really is.... It needs a bit of tweaking here and there but yea. Art by Aeniridiae.

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Random tentacle art. Art was done by FeliceChan on FA.

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Two of my favorite super old commissions by Devy

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Ashari Catches a fox

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Magical hypno coils.

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