

表現の自由を守りたい!現在、太陽モチーフや放射状デザインの作品が攻撃されることがあります。そういった作品を守りたいです。 I want to protect the freedom of expression! Protect the art of sun motifs and radial designs.

フォロー数:228 フォロワー数:392

The shrine also appears in the world-famous Pokemon. Of course, it is also sold in South Korea. Did Koreans complain about Pokemon? They won't complain about it. This time, some Racist are complaining to the shrine.

1 5

The shrine also appears in the world-famous Pokemon. Of course, it is also sold in South Korea. Did Koreans complain about Pokemon? They won't complain about it. This time, some Racist are complaining to the shrine.

9 15

The shrine also appears in the world-famous Pokemon. Of course, it is also sold in South Korea. Did Koreans complain about Pokemon? They won't complain about it.

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12 30

According to Korean theory, churches and crosses are prohibited. And Japan has already banned the symbol of a party corresponding to a swastika. Rising sun is the same as Germany still uses the Iron Cross. Like the cross, the sun represents culture.☀

46 188

Your theory prohibits churches and crosses. And the comparison image is strange. Japan has already banned the symbol of a party corresponding to a swastika. Rising sun is the same as Germany still uses the Iron Cross. Like the cross, the sun represents culture.☀

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2014年 「Rai 1: Welcome to New Japan」

アメコミ出版社VALIANT COMICSから発売されています。西暦4000年、他星に移住しJAPANと名付けられた居住地で起こる事件とは…といったSFアメコミのようです。格好良いですね!

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きせかえジャンプ 鬼滅の刃


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2020年 日めくりカレンダー
2019年~ 単行本表紙


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2020年 アニメ放映


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