

Digital Artist for Wizards of the Coast

Views are my own!

フォロー数:859 フォロワー数:2154

Hope you dont have to wait too long, and thanks for the artshare.

I think these are some of the best pieces I've done mainly cause I learned a ton while working on them.

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Hey there Peepz I'm Jay a digital Illustrator and concept artist. I love drawing everything from fanart to original designs.

You can also check me out here:

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first one was from 2017 and the gold boi i finished yesterday.

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Here's one of my lovely girls Ki'Ohna, Her arms were lost in a war but she can use"magic"(haven't figured out what kind yet, but picture Amara from Borderlands 3.)

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I'm loving the details on the scales, it is so much fun

Didnt have to babysit so I'm hoping to make some good progress

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okay some more progress, fighting with this pen is making it go slow but at least I can sort of work still lol

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Alright, it took forever cause of the stupid slump I fell into but here it is. Hope you like it

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Whats this about 😻
imagination VS real life

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i'm struggling with this hair lol

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Slowly making progress

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