

"I won't just gaze into the abyss, I'll maintain uncomfortable eye contact with it."


フォロー数:1675 フォロワー数:1755

Reiner just went from
"I'll get your daughter home by 8 tonight"
"Your daughter calls me Daddy too"

40 172

I seldom talk about Gintama over here, 'cos it's been a long time since I've finished it. But, Gintama happened to me in one of the most crucial times of my life, and it literally saved me from the depths I've never imagined I could ever get out of.
Gintama means the world to me.

7 35

It's been months since I finished this show, but I still can't stop thinking about it.

The characters and their struggles are highly relatable I'm
sure anyone would find themselves relating one of the cast.

Very rare a show THIS good comes. Wish a lotta people see this GEM.❤️

13 48