💖Sophia42888😷🌂 BLM and ACAB || Memento Mori💖さんのプロフィール画像

💖Sophia42888😷🌂 BLM and ACAB || Memento Mori💖さんのイラストまとめ

⭐20⭐ she/they, Hispanic (^v^)💖

Hello hello, I'm Sophie! I draw and do other junk! (*´︶`*)

🍭Dm me for commision info! 🍬

フォロー数:895 フォロワー数:341

(Here's the full photo and transparent lmao) (人*´∀`)。*゚+

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You know what's fun??? Finding a REALLY old drawing of yours and comparing your growth. Show me your before and now!!!!!! :D ♥️

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So and their friend made a very good AU for Khonjin House and I love it a lot!!! Go give them love they're a wonderful artist C: 💖💖

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That piers drawing is absolutely gorgeous!!! ;0; so expressive!!!

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It's very weird to describe but, it all looks like you put SO MUCH love and care into the characters and details, as if just looking at them you can feel happier!! It's always a joy to see you post new works!! ( •͈ᴗ•͈)

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It already looks so professional!!!!! I can't wait to see you excel in the big industry!!

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