

you can call me mef - 29, he/him, software developer working with games, gay/asexual, small panda. let's talk about video games 🥺

フォロー数:848 フォロワー数:850

entering ur mindgarteng...

5 54

I wanted to make a few small (🥴) changes to mef to feel a little more connected to him... drew him out and I just absolutely love it so much 🥺

14 65

i mean, is just so pettable🥺


10 70

the pure joy this emanates... 🥺


15 102

slight miscalculation for nap time with 🥴🤤


122 610

Thought I took all the proper precautions on werewolf wednesday... and yet 🥴


44 225

Moose gets really into games, but Mef secretly enjoys the squeeze even more 🥴


79 381