

你的歲月靜好,只因有人替你負重前行 One Nation One HongKong

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People will not forget history, but history is repeating, Millions of Xinjiang people are suffering from genocide
Have you seen it⁉️

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【和你做筆友最新消息】(Part 1/2)



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Hope the world can recognize the evil of communist China
Beware of China's economic penetration war

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42 63

They often use fear to make people succumb to them. Now the Communist Party is not only targeting their own people, but even people who want to control other countries; this is a very terrifying signal, and all democratic countries should be cautious.

5 20

One country One System .#HongKong is no longer safe , Your personal safety there is threatened by the authorities. Your money here could be confiscated with no justifiable grounds. Speech ❌Religion ❌Publishing ❌PressFreedom❌Rally❌Internet ❌

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【毋忘721 七區和你lunch】
日期: 2月21日 (五)
時間: 13:00
地點: 中環、太古、葵涌、長荔、新蒲崗、九龍灣、觀塘
(地點詳情活動當日於各區tg group公佈)
自備: 口罩、文宣

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