SoSo ⚢ ❣️🐰🐰❣️さんのプロフィール画像

SoSo ⚢ ❣️🐰🐰❣️さんのイラストまとめ


Faço música, jogo Infinity Nikki, Pokemon, assisto Valorant Competitivo e AS VEZES desenho.

フォロー数:1510 フォロワー数:1043

IVE as Pokemon trainer (3/6)!!! Gaeul's day!!! Today I drew Gaeul as Pokemon trainer. What do you think of the pokemon chioces? And what about the outfit I choose?

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IVE as Pokemon trainer (2/6)!!!

Now, is Leeseo day, I decided to draw her with Arcanine and Pichu, Arcanine bc she's a tiger and Pichu because it's a baby Pokemon and she's the youngest. The outfit I decided to use the uniform one because I love that outfit!

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I've been playing Valorant for almost 3 months!

And as I want to get better I always watch coach videos and streams. My favorite coach is she's great at teaching and also very cute!

That's why I drew her as Viper, her favorite agent.

What's your favorite agent?

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Some games can touch your heart and change your life!

In one of videos she talks about how Atelier Ayesha is important to her. Like Atelier Sophie is to me 🥺

As a big fan of her youtube content and Atelier I decided to draw her as Ayesha ❣️❣️❣️

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Gente, é o seguinte, nos últimos meses meu trabalho com música não tem dado o retorno financeiro que costumava dar e pra quem nao sabe desde 2018 eu preciso sustentar eu e meu pai, mas o dinheiro nao tem sido suficiente.

Por conta disso vim aqui lembrar que minhas comissions+

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Fiz um desenhozinha da Wonyoung com a Leeseo pq elas estão super mega lindas nessas fotos

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Gente desenhei a Yuki e a Rena eu amo elas eu amo BLue Reflection é isso

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What if IVE's Wonyoung was a pokemon trainer?

I decided to draw her with her starters Pokemon, and of course her Buneary is Shiny bc she loves pink!!!

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Tem uns dois meses que tenho jogado Valorant e estou obcecada com o jogo.

Esses dias virei fã da e por isso decidi desenhar a como a Fade pq eu amo ver ela jogando de Fade!!!

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Jettzinha da Soso

Tenho jogado muito Valorant esses dias e minha fav é a Jett eu amo ela ela é mt braba

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