

@wretchedweponry’s art account! || this account is NOT a portfolio and includes low-effort art made for fun and no profit

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a family can be three children who just lost their only familial connection but stick together anyway

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i went to draw somethin but made it too edgy OOPS,

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draw your fav in your clothes? UPGRADE: draw yourself in your fav's clothes.

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i tried to make an icon but, in typical mac fashion, it's muddled af when shrunk down so FUCK!!!!!!!!!!

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hi my name is mac and i get attached to every single d&d character i make, even ones made for the sole purpose of fighting a single boss.

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i started this in october of last year as a mix cover for this boy but then 8tracks went to shit so i just,,, slapped some color on it today

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this meme was made for them,

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i sat down to do that meet the artist meme but i'm very lazy so have this

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i drew a bab as a quick warmup/minor experiment

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a quick boy before bed

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