

20 | hannibal enthusiast & local binoclard| enjoyer of other things (currently yakuza)
comms: closed

フォロー数:2314 フォロワー数:513

Ik im a day late but im busy so have an old sketch i cleaned up and a scrapped & unfinished wip

7 57

So we all agree that / Mads is the guy from season 2 right?

37 306



Day 19: Cuddle
Yes im late & its very simple but idc

10 79

Day 9: vampire
Fun fact, I've watched the twilight trilogy probably at least 10 times as a child, most likely more

19 121

Gonna do a few of these prompts through out the month & I'll try not to care about how unpolished it all ends up being 😭. Started college today so I'll be busy

22 82

They can finally get married in Cuba :)

11 72

I've been thinking about 's Werewolf Will AU for a while now & wanted to draw a little something for it

27 159