lou / xiang @ ocs!さんのプロフィール画像

lou / xiang @ ocs!さんのイラストまとめ

main: @wrenkos / drrp oc ramble account /
currently playing: niko (af), yuuki (tts)

フォロー数:88 フォロワー数:124

ok continuing
name pending (florence?)
- i am j. i am just sitting h
- nerd-passing / nerd-adjacent, yet owns a motorcycle
- nice, tired, quietly judging. better with kids than people her own age
- wants to grow her hair out but keeps cutting it out of impulse at 3 am

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satomi mikami/idol SATOMIMI
- ahh... i might snap one day, you know. -- i mean! nyahaha, what should satomimi do today?
- wants the best for everyone! v kind
- somehow chaotic good and lawful neutral at the same time
- "one copy of doom eternal, please!"
- loves detective films!

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akuru igarashi
- actually a cool guy
- HELLO, MY GOOD WORMS! toil, for it is i, akuru igarashi. how do you fare?! it must be fate that we are gathered here in this moment of time; the stars have aligned in such a manner for you and i to exist in th... ack?! where are you going --

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hisa watanabe
- twin to harumi watanabe
- mess of a human being
- wears sunglasses indoors bc she thinks its cool, really wants to impress others and wants to be seen in a positive light
- i really want to app her to somewhere but i should probably hold off on apps for now😔

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mingxia liu
- unfortunately a capitalist (please clown on her)
- adds too much sugar to her tea/coffee
- barely sleeps, wakes up very early to do her makeup
- a mess of a human being but she's pretty and im a disaster bi
- would say more but cannot spoil
- likes frogs

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ikuei yanagi
- sigh.
- hate + love this guy
- deep resentment for humankind, views everyone as monsters + projects his feelings into horror novels that he writes. acted nice, but hated all
- got infected w morals, is now a better person
- he has 2 hands for his 2 partners!!!!

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5. cadenza goto (art is from fe au)
- bi trans + nb icon babey (she/they)
- married to osako
- ..minato's aunt. yes. the aunt that taught them how to say creative death threats in english. that one.
- GET that character development
- you cannot kill them in a way that matters.

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2. minato yukimura
- gone through hell, came out singing
- too much empathy, works to uncover the truth + peace
- check out how many cookies i can fit in my mouth
- doesnt like to talk about their own doubts and insecurities and instead does stupid shit
- forensic photographer

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harumi watanabe
- always my discord icon
- very down to earth but will also bluntly tell you off, too tired to deal with the consequences
- "what is wrong with you guys"
- deep complex feelings abt the ult system due to how its ruined their life, will snap an

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slightly older minato ft. their awful fashion taste

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