

I'm a sucker for problematic ships (i.e. rickmorty or starker) and sometimes I draw fanart. Working on Rick and Morty self harm AU.

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Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency is a series full of hope and love.

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(if you can’t be happy, at least you can be drunk)

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The idea for this comic was born 7 years ago. It’s been haunting me for the last 7 years, but I couldn’t find it in me to draw it.

Here I am at last, finally free.

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and if you do nothing then that’s on you

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Rick has no fucks to give and so should you.

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somewhere off planet

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just two goofballs chilling out

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One of my headcanons is that Morty is a Star Trek fan. So he’s seen all the movies. Rick is aware of the fact. Summer, however, is not.

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I’d like to see Morty grow up and still have Rick in his life.

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