

✨SPACE - 22 - any pronouns
✨artist of various things
🐘 ❤️ @fconvicted

フォロー数:240 フォロワー数:4354

heheheh thank you! the double wings were more or less inspired by whatever the hell is going on here in the back of sneo's big sprite. those... kinda look like more wings??? maybe? im not sure, sneos sprite is so hard to interpret, but oh well i just ran with it hehe

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they may or may not have a mutual crush on jupiter. they both know about it and have been skirting around the topic for millions of years, but hey! what if they're just misreading it!?

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they're one of the most human looking planets. they're covered in water and lakes and have somewhat plant-like hair. while they're often seen sporting the look above ^ it isnt rare to see them in a variety of weird looking outfits

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you'll almost always see her with earth and mars, making up the amazing inner trio! the three of them always get into tons of trouble, and have been friends since their creation. she has a little bit of a crush on mars, but she probably won't admit it any time soon.

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while she always is up for a bit of chaos, she's actually more reasonable than you'd expect! a realist by nature, she's always aware of what is possible and what is not, and will definitely poke holes in schemes that don't make any sense.

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her most striking feature is her large head of hair, representing her thick acidic atmosphere. it somewhat has a mind of its own and may or may not have a couple dozen hairbrushes lost in there.

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hes a small guy, but he doesnt like it get to him. hes lithe, extremely fast, and difficult to spot in a crowd. if he doesnt want you to catch him, you wont. hes surprisingly heavy, despite his size. this is probably bc he has a big metal heart thats way too big

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dealing with both extremely high temperatures and extremely low ones, mercury may seem somewhat two-sided to some people. aloof yet talkative, laid back yet passionate. you may think he's putting on a "cool" façade, but he's just naturally like that.

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cw bl00d
hehheeh some sharkton doodles!! love this guy so much, its been too long since ive last drawn him!

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