

🖌Artist & Writer | He/Him | I do art of OCs for my first novel💫

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💫Jennifer Jenson, she's the protag of the sci-fi novel I'm writing. She's trying to improve herself after losing someone close to her. Even if she turn out a bit weird lol.🌀

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How's it going everyone. I don't have much to show this week. But I want to list artist's I really respect:

I ask for your opinion on this matter. I need guidance:

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I would love to see how you would draw my OCs in your style! Feel free to choose one!

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Thank you for doing this HUGE artshare!

💫I am A-D-R, I'm currently writing a sci-fi novel called "Spacetime". I draw my OCs a lot so my book can have high quality illustrations!💫

Good art friends of mine include

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This is literally where all my art skills lead up to now. I know I can make it and capable to go beyond expectation. I thank those who helped me along the way. I am indebted to them, because of that:

"I am who I am."

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Now this is something worth hyping up, this is literally almost illustrator worthy imo. Get ready for this Wednesday! My best art of the year so far!

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You'll like what's coming up this week. It's gonna be my best one yet...

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Yo imagine having your kids face on your crotch lol.

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Oops! Look like I dropped something here. It's okay, just ignore it...

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