taurussieben | mojitosさんのプロフィール画像

taurussieben | mojitosさんのイラストまとめ

Alive. I like what I like. Sometimes NSFW. Taking drabble prompts. 35+. Writer. Multi-fandom.

フォロー数:264 フォロワー数:42

Still the best sentence(s) I ever wrote

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When you know a change is needed. That you crave that change. But also know you yourself has to be that change and you are too scared to take that step...

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time, and I present a small excerpt from my Witch AU Part II, from fandom: VLD, pairing: (with past Shiro/Adam, an Allurance on the side), Rating for the story will be M

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When you can't communicate with people on discord anymore

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When you learn about compost heap for story ideas, and think it is a brilliant idea, and then you remember that huge pile of unsorted/unfinished/half-formed ideas sitting in that one box...

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So I got tagged by for a raid, here goes nothing XD lock screen is my SO in bearded glory and shades (nope not showing 😉) homescreen is vld, but no clue about the artist if someone knows, saved pic recipe, I tag

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