

Sparra | She/her | 31 | LDS | Queer | SFW | Mostly just here to follow people, but I draw things sometimes

フォロー数:372 フォロワー数:86

A bunch of little Pokemon faces

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More of these two bothering each other (and everyone else around them)

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More human Ash and Flea doodles because reasons

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I've had an idea of how Ash and Flea would look as humans for a long time, finally got around to drawing them

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I've been doing so much art for holiday gifts already and it's killing me not being able to post any of it, but I gave this doodle to early, so here's one thing I can share xD

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I focused mostly on other things today, but a quick entry for Day 24: Sharing clothes. Ash found a jacket. She's sharing it with Flea. She hates it.

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Day 23: Long Distance. I was drawing a blank on this one so I drew my dog and my fam's dog lol. They're slightly long distant friends. Different houses, nearby cities. They only get to see each other like twice a week. That's a big deal when you're a dog.

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Day 22: Stuck in the rain! Just a couple soggy siblings

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Day 21: Stargazing. It's not Oren and Calder if they aren't sitting on top of each other

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Day 20: Shopping! When there's just a hyena person in the store

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