

• Ex-Prop Trader
• 7 Years Crypto
• I'll teach you to take better risks.

フォロー数:567 フォロワー数:8008

The main goal that I strive for in my life is to have make abnormally loud airplane noises while she feeds me high caloric food while I watch the money from my portfolio just evaporate into nothingness.

0 2

i have new gym crush

0 16



Asking a question and then following it up with trying to close the prospect, before the prospect could even answer the first question?

Forgivable to make this error in person.

Unforgiveable over text.

0 3

I haven't drank bubble tea in over a month.

Fucking blasphemy

0 9

I enjoy consuming content which has been catered for the low IQ because I am also a low IQ

1 11

How fucking funny would it be if the last 2 months of sideways town just leads to another giant leg down.

Imajin the cope

Imagine the SEETHE

despite this, I still bought a bunch of spot at 23keks because I am a degenerate and I like green candles.

0 7