

• Ex-Prop Trader
• 7 Years Crypto
• I'll teach you to take better risks.

フォロー数:567 フォロワー数:8008

okay now hold on just a minnit...

1 26

What if pressing the red button was bad and it was actually time to press green button instead?

Let's find out

0 6

Hear me out...

0 4

i am on the pursuit to greatness and nothing can stop me

2 17

After wooing her with the harmonica, while she is frothing at the mouth over me I continue to seduce her by talking about statistics.

Then I simply make the statement that she should come back to mine to help me work on some spreadsheets. Pretty much smooth sailing from there

0 3

is oke gainzy, if it makes u feel any better Cred is probably gonna be reading dictionaries for his dopamine hits while u play games

0 3

I've only gained 1kg since the start of the year.

Peaked at only +5kg

I KNOW that I need to be eating in a much bigger caloric surplus but my [redacted] brain just keeps being [redacted] when it comes to actually putting the work in.

0 4

GM ☀️

Legs are utterly demolished from gym. I'm still very smol but I been training for a while now, kinda getting used to the feeling of doms.

I feel like dealing with it is more of a mental thing rather than a physical tbh

0 8